गिरफ़्तार करना - giraftar karna meaning in hindi

Suggested :
योक्तिक | proper |
New seminaries were established for the proper training of priests | |
चौरस | level |
The highest level of the kanji kentei tests on 6000 kanji | |
क्रम में | sequence |
This proves that the sequence is Cauchy | |
कवी | poet |
George Oppen and Carl Rakosi, and the British poet Basil Bunting. | |
अधृति | indecisive |
Khrushchev accused Vasilevsky of being too passive and indecisive |
giraftar karna
अक्षरों की संख्या: 13 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
giraftaara karanaa
Related spellings : giraftaar karana,giraftar karana
Related spellings : giraftaar karana,giraftar karana
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